Book links:
- Animal Abuse: Helping Animals and People
- The Palgrave International Handbook of Animal Abuse Studies
- Confronting Animal Abuse: Law, Criminology, and Human-Animal Relationships
- Understanding Animal Abuse and How to Intervene with Children and Young People: A Practical Guide for Professionals Working With People and Animals
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What are the 100 facts about animal abuse? Do you think you understand what goes on behind closed doors? We will learn about the different types of animal abuse, why it is a concern, and why you need to know about it.
We will learn all about animal cruelty laws and how many animals are abused yearly. Will we be surprised what animal suffers the most abuse?
Animal abuse isn’t just about physically beating an animal. A lot can be done by neglecting and abandoning animals when we decide they have become a nuisance.
100 facts about animal abuse

Here is a list of the 100 facts about animal abuse. I will be quoting some facts from 100 shocking Facts About Animal Abuse Around the world; you can check out their website linked above in the sources section.
- Animal abuse classes as neglect and abuse which are intended to cause pain to animals caused by a human
- Leonardo de Vinci was concerned about animal abuse; he used to buy caged birds just to set them free.
- “…according to modern philosopher Nigel Warburton, the prevalent perspective has been that animals are there for humans to do as they want.” (Shamim, 2021)
- “Dogs employed in post-World War II battles were frequently not returned to their owners because the military feared the animals would attack a civilian. They were either put to death or abandoned on the battlefield. However, in 2000, President Bill Clinton approved legislation allowing former military canines to be adopted if their owners agreed not to hold the US government responsible for any injuries or damages caused by the dogs.”(Shamim, 2021)
- “Astrakhan fur, often known as karakul or broadtail, is a current trend in the fur industry. Astrakhan fur is derived from Astrakhan lambs that are slaughtered when just a few days old. Broadtail jackets, for example, are fashioned from the skin of fetal lambs. To remove the growing lamb, the mother’s neck is sliced, and her stomach is slashed.” (Shamim, 2021)
- It used to take around five years to graze livestock. However, now it takes six months of pasture and 14 months on a feedlot. This is because animals are being fed a rediculous amount of maize which these animals don’t eat. They are also fed protein supplements, medicines and growth hormones.
- “Sheep are often bred to have skin with numerous folds, allowing them to store more wool. The folds, on the other hand, attract maggots, particularly near the anus. The maggots devour the sheep alive in a condition known as flystrike. The conventional treatment is called “mulesing,” and it involves slicing large pieces of flesh off the lamb’s hindquarters to produce smooth scar tissue.” (Shamim, 2021)
- “Despite being cited 22 times in a year for infractions such as slicing live cattle’s feet off, no action was taken against a Texas meat business.” (Shamim, 2021)
- “Fish farms were formerly thought to be a solution to overfishing, but they have since been shown to be harmful. On farms, for example, salmon are crammed into enclosures and fed antibiotics and pesticides, as well as synthetic color, to change their flesh from gray to pink. In addition, during the last half-century, Emperor penguin colonies have lost half of their population because their major source of food, krill, has been collected in huge quantities to feed farm-raised salmon.” (Shamim, 2021)
- Every sixty seconds an animal is abused.
- farm animals that are raised for slaughter are fed drugs that make them grow large in a short pace of time. “Accounting for about 8.5 billion of the approximately 10 billion animals grown for food each year. They are frequently unable to hold their own weight, resulting in deformed or shattered legs. Many people die of heart or lung failure as a result of their organs’ abnormally fast development.”
- Birds don’t have to be unconcious to be slaughtered in the Humane Slaughter Act.
- Women who have been in a realtionship with an abusive partner have reported that their partner abused and killed their pets.
- “During the 1980 film Heaven’s Gate, Michael Cimino was chastised for murdering and brutalizing many animals. He even used explosives to blow up a horse, which was depicted in the film.” (Shamim, 2021)
- On YouTube there are many real animal abuse videos
- How cattle is prepared for slaughter -“Cattle are shocked with a stun bolt into the forehead at the slaughterhouse, rendering them unconscious. They are rendered asleep rather than murdered so that their hearts can assist in the removal of blood from the body. The animal is then lifted up and hung from a bleed rail by one rear leg. Its throat is then sliced open, allowing all of its blood to drain. Following the bloodletting, the corpse of the animal is transported down the line to a series of processing stations, where the tail and hocks are removed, the belly is cut open, and the hide is taken.” (Shamim, 2021)
- “Between 30 to 200 chinchillas or 60 mink, 50 sables, 50 muskrats, 45 opossums, 40 raccoons, 35 rabbits, 20 foxes, 20 otters, 18 lynx, 16 coyotes, 15 beavers, or 8 seals are needed to create a 40-inch fur coat” (Shamim, 2021)
- Farms keeping animals caged
- Animals die in crowded cages and corpses surround the animals left alive.
- “The enormous Coliseum of Rome hosted contests in which animals battled to the death with one other and with humans throughout the Roman Empire. To make combat more ferocious, the animals were frequently tied together or tortured with scorching irons and darts.” (Shamim, 2021)
- Fur-producing factories oppress animals; china has a giant fur factory. The animals are beaten to death and are also skinned alive.
- Serial killers tend to start by killing and torturing animals
- Animal abuse can be starvation, purposely exposing animals to harsh weather—parasites anything intended to cause harm.
- “Gobs of pitch are put on a bull’s horn and then ignited on fire at the holiday “Toro Jubilo” in Spain. The bull is turned loose in the streets, where it screams in agony as the fire burns the bull’s horns, eyes, and body while onlookers celebrate. For hours, the bull might be on fire.” (Shamim, 2021)
- Animals are tested on for beauty products.
- Animals are tested on for medical research
- Racing animals to the point the animals get hurt and put down when they are no longer able to race
- “Metal pipes are forced down the throats of ducks on foie gras (fatty liver) farms 2-3 times a day, with over a pound of cornmeal poured into their stomachs. While the term “foie gras” refers to fatty liver, the livers of the ducks are really sick and have swollen 5-10 times their usual size. The majority of ducks die before being killed. Ducks were too weak to fend against rodents that were devouring them alive, according to one account. Because female ducks generate smaller livers, many female ducks end up in the trash. They generally die of suffocation there.” (Shamim, 2021)
- Dog fighting. The dogs fight to the death purely for human entertainment
- Bull fighting. The bull it tormented with a red cape until it is exhausted and is then slaughtered in front of everyone when the bull can’t run no more
- Animal trafficking – Animals illegally sold and transported to different countries in the smallest cages and are left for hours in poor conditions. Some trafficers even cut out the vocal cords of the older dogs. Some puppies are taken away from their mothers far too young and end up dying.
- “Researchers point out that not only are traditional killing procedures immoral but there are also frequent cases of personnel abusing animals intentionally. A film shows employees kicking and stomping on birds and slamming them against walls at the Pilgrim’s Pride slaughterhouse, which supplies KFC restaurants. While the birds were still alive, employees pulled their beaks off, wrenched their heads off, and smashed them in half.” (Shamim, 2021)
- Lobsters are boiled alive and you can hear them screaming
- In china they eat some animals alive such as octopus.
- “Hogs, unlike cattle, are shocked and then immersed in tanks of hot water to soften their skins before being skinned. A secret film from an Iowa pork facility shows hogs shrieking and kicking as they are put into the water, proving that stunning isn’t always successful.” (Shamim, 2021)
- “The diet of commercial egg-laying hens contains artificial colors to enrich the pale hue of their egg yolks in order to improve the yolk color of commercial eggs. The yolks of healthy hen eggs are dark yellow.” (Shamim, 2021)
- “Chickens that pass inspection for human food include those soiled with excrement, those clearly dripping with pus, and those with precancerous lesions, according to USDA inspectors. Each chicken on the production line is examined for less than two seconds by government inspectors.” (Shamim, 2021)
- “People defend animal abuse and reject animal rights for the following reasons: 1) animals do not have souls; 2) people have dominion over animals; 3) humans are cognitively superior to animals; 4) animals do not reason, think, or experience pain in the same way that humans do; 5) animals are a natural resource to be utilized as humans see fit; and 6) animals murder one other.” (Shamim, 2021)
- Animal rights are still being debated
- There are still businesses out there that overbreed from the same female over and over again just to sell her litter/puppies.
- “Fighting dogs are sometimes taught in so-called “catmills.” A catmill keeps a non-fighting animal, such as a small dog, cat, rabbit, or pit bull, just out of the reach of the training dog as it runs. Bait dogs are frequently taken from the streets and are typically murdered throughout the training process.” (Shamim, 2021)
- Anti-biotics are fed to animals I farms sometimes more than the legal amount.
- In some slaughter houses they beat the livestock
- Animals are put to death in animal shelters
- Young kids sometimes go around and beat cats and dogs on the street for amusement
- people abandon animals in bin bags and leave them on the side of the road
- “On his way to the stun bath, a worker at the House of Raeford Farms chicken facility was spotted striking birds hung on the conveyer belt. He was a budding boxer who believed the birds would provide excellent punching practice.” (Shamim, 2021)
- Animals being used as weapons during wars
- “Michael Vick, an Atlanta Falcons quarterback, was arrested in 2007 for running a dogfighting ring on his Virginia farm. Poor-fighting dogs were electrocuted, hanged, drowned, or beaten to death by him and his partners. He was released from his multi-million dollar contract with the Atlanta Falcons, as well as millions in sponsorship deals.” (Shamim, 2021)
- Fox hunting
- Poaching
- caged zoo animals
- “During the Middle Ages, it was thought that whipping an animal before killing would result in more tender flesh. Whippings later developed into setting dogs loose on an animal to tear at its flesh with their teeth.” (Shamim, 2021)
- Dairy production – artificially impregnating the cow, and once the calf is born, they kill it so we can have the milk
- The British royal family enjoyed hunting stags.
- “Calves are removed from their moms and maintained in severely restricted circumstances to produce veal (meat from young calves). They are not permitted to exercise to prevent them from gaining muscular mass. To prevent the meat from browning, they are fed low-iron diets, resulting in anemic calves. In 2009, the United States produced an estimated 146 million pounds of veal.” (Shamim, 2021)
- “Fur producers are primarily concerned with maintaining the animal’s entire coat, and they frequently pick the most cost-effective method of killing animals. Many ranchers employ electrocution, which cooks the animal from the inside out, much like a microwave. Insecticides are also injected into the minks’ chests by certain farmers. The minks take many minutes to suffer a horrible death.” (Shamim, 2021)
- “The Animal Crush Video Prohibition Act was established in 2010, prohibiting the “production, sale, and distribution of obscene movies that depict the purposeful crushing, burning, drowning, choking, or impaling of live animals—often by women in stiletto heels—for the sexual enjoyment of viewers.”” (Shimim, 2021)
- “Shark fin soup costs roughly $200 for each dish, and the industry kills approximately 100 million sharks each year. Because keeping the entire shark is not economically viable, fishermen just cut off the fin and send the shark back into the water. The shark, unable to swim, falls to the sea’s bottom and dies a slow death.” (Shamim, 2021)
- People have different opinions of the extent of animal cruelty, especially Politicians
- men and women have different opinions on animal cruelty
- “To prevent cannibalism and fighting, egg-laying chickens are debeaked using hot knives. A normal cage houses 4-8 birds and measures around 12×20 inches or the size of a single sheet of newspaper. In enormous sheds, the cages, known as battery cages, are piled floor to ceiling. The hens who live on the lowest tiers are drenched in feces. Some European nations have banned battery cages, however, they are still allowed in the United States.” (Shamim, 2021)
- Being vegan can make a stop to most of these animal cruelty scenes
- “Millions of tons of trash are generated annually by pig farms. Pigs are given enormous dosages of antibiotics and pesticides to keep them alive in pig farms, therefore the excrement is poisonous. In North Carolina, over 25.8 million gallons of hazardous hog manure were deposited in the New River’s headwaters. Every creature in the river was slaughtered” (Shamim, 2021)
- “30,000 nonproductive egg-laying chickens were fed alive into a wood chipper by a ranch owner near San Diego in 2003, one of the 100 facts about animal abuse.” (Shamim, 2021)
- “The honey business has historically murdered about 1 billion bees each year. It is not cost-effective for farmers to winterize the hives at the end of the season, therefore it is easier to destroy them and start again the next season.” (Shamim, 2021)
- Over fishing. Killing dolphins to stop them from eating fish so there is more fish for humans.
- Kids strapping fireworks to the back of cats for entertainment
- People shooting Phesasants for sport
- “A young medic detailed his pre-Iraq service training. He was given the task of keeping a pig alive. His pig was shot in the face twice with a 9mm pistol, six times with an AK-47, and twice more with a 12-gauge shotgun. He was then set on fire. He was kept alive for 15 hours by the medic.” (Shamim, 2021)
- “Fully aware pigs were used to test the efficiency of multiple Taser devices, according to a video released by the Department of Defense. Pigs fell and convulsed or attempted to flee on the tapes. They’re shouting with their mouths wide open. The pigs were all euthanized following the experiment, despite the fact that none of them died.” (Shamim, 2021)
- Pythagoras believed that humans reincarnated as animals in the after life so he believed animals had souls and he was a vegetarian.
- “When laying hen chicks are one day old, they are separated by gender. Females are the only ones who are maintained. Males are slaughtered since they have not been developed for meat production and will not mature to be “meaty” enough for humans. Millions of male chicks are either suffocated or macerated after being dumped into rubbish bags (instantaneously killed in a high-speed grinder).” (Shamim, 2021)
- Overbreeding animals for human needs
- Rabbits are bought at easter and then are abondoned after the Easter break
- snake skin used for snake skin bags and shoes
- Rhinos poached for their horns
- People enjoy throwing rocks at cats
- Pugs were made for humnas, we adore the squished faces to we man made. Pugs have bad resporarity systems and there have been occasions where their eyes have popped out of their head because their face is way too squished.
- beating animals is entertainment
- Sea world keep marine wildlife in enclosures too small of the animals, causeing the animals to become depressed
- Lamvs are slaughtered when they are only a few days old.
- Animal abusers don’t have a long enough prison sentence
- Animal abusers usually go back to abusing after being releasd from prison
- Pet owners don’t take care of their pets properly
- The stray animal population increases.
- Birds die when they get covered in oil and when humans spill oil into bodies of water.
- Marine wildlife swallow plastic waste which builds up in their stomachs until they die.
- Animals get caught in thrown-away fishing nets/equipment. They get stuck and die.
- Deforestation destroys animals’ habitats, and animals without a home tend to perish over time.
- Pollution dunked into bodies of water kill many fish living there
- There are more farm animals on the planet than there are humans
- There are secret animal substances used in everyday products such as glues and crayons
- Animals tortured for our benefit
- People see animals as just products and don’t care about hurting animals.
- People lock dogs outside in their back gardens, even in extreme weather.
- Some people cut the tails off of boxers’ dogs for fashion.
- People steal animals from their owners and abuse them.
- A zoo once killed animals from other enclosures and fed them to other animals in the zoo.
- Humans believe they own animals.
How many animals are abused each day? 100 facts about animal abuse

The number is way higher than it should be, 70 million pet dogs and 74.1 million pet cats in the U.S. where 20 men and women are assaulted per minute.
Effects of animal cruelty – 100 facts about animal abuse

Animal abuse causes mass suffering and torturing animals. The abuse can cause illness, suffering (emotionally and Physically) and even death. People tend to turn a blind eye to animal abuse as they would argue ‘it’s the circle of life’.
If you want to learn more about animal abuse and how you can help, I recommend checking out this book Animal Abuse: Helping Animals and People. The link to the book is above in the source section.
Animal abuse websites – 100 facts about animal abuse
A well-known animal abuse website is the RSPCA. They specialise in rescuing animals and stray and/or injured animals.
Or the ASPCA if you are in America.
Animal cruelty articles for students – 100 facts about animal abuse
PETA is a great website to learn facts about animal cruelty. I have also linked a few books of animal cruelty which you can check out in the Sources section at the top of this post. They are good books for students. The book Confronting Animal Abuse: Law, Criminology, and Human-Animal Relationships (link above) is especially useful for Law and Criminology students
Conclusion-100 facts about animal abuse
Now you know 100 facts about animal abuse. I will be honest; a few of those facts shocked and disturbed me, especially the points about animals being abused in slaughterhouses. There are so many animal abuse facts online, but I think this post has discussed most of them.
I hope you have learnt something new from this post. Maybe you now know more than 100 facts about animal abuse and will continue to learn more.
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