why do vegans want everyone to be vegan?
Why do vegans want everyone to be vegans?

Why do vegans want everyone to be vegan? What is so essential that everyone must change their diets and lifestyles overnight? We will learn all about the hype of veganism, including the pros and cons of being vegan.

We will also learn the difference between vegetarian and vegan, as in my experience of being vegan, many people confuse the two. We will also discuss the environment health benefits.

100 reasons to go vegan

Why do vegans want everyone to be vegan? Here are 100 reasons.

  1. Reduces the risk of cancer
  2. reduces the risk of heart disease
  3. reduces the risk of strokes
  4. reduces obesity
  5. reduces the risk of heart attacks
  6. longer lifespan
  7. increases energy
  8. increases stamina during workouts
  9. Humans have a herbivore anatomy
  10. doesn’t hurt animals
  11. reduces emissions
  12. kind to the environment
  13. lowers cholesterol
  14. lowers blood pressure
  15. more sustainable
  16. reduces the strain on food
  17. smaller carbon footprint
  18. no salmonella
  19. lower rates of hypertension
  20. we can survive as vegans
  21. meat rots in your intestines
  22. Meat doesn’t fully digest in our stomachs
  23. Diary contains puss
  24. Dairy can cause acne
  25. dairy can make you fat
  26. Meat is contaminated with faeces
  27. “Meat-producing livestock consumes vast quantities of crops that could feed people.”
  28. “A meat-centred diet requires burning 3 times more fossil fuels than a meat-free diet. The burning of fossil fuels results in the greenhouse effect, which produced global warming.”
  29. “If every human ate a meat-centred diet, the world’s known oil reserves would last only 13 years. Oil reserves would last 260 years if humans stopped eating meat altogether.”
  30. Stop overfishing
  31. “Every year, 24,000 fishermen worldwide die on the job, making fishing the most dangerous occupation in the world, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the U.N. In the U.S., a fisherman is 16 times as likely to die as a policeman or fireman.”
  32. “Half of every butchered cow and a third of every pig become by-product material or waste. In addition, 920 million animals die on U.S. factory farms before reaching slaughter.”
  33. “Our modern dairy cow lives with an unnaturally swelled and sensitive udder, is likely never allowed out of her stall, is milked up to three times a day, and is kept pregnant nearly all of her abbreviated life.”
  34. Dairy farmers artificially impregnate cows, and once the calf is born, they kill the calf so the farmers can keep all the milk to sell.
  35. “A commercial egg-laying hen is kept crammed with four to eight other birds for life inside a small wire cage. The birds remain tortured and frustrated as their eggs fall through the wire mesh to roll out of reach but not out of sight. Egg laying is such a personal matter that a hen seeks privacy when performing the function.”
  36. Because of animal agriculture, the world sees a global pandemic of influenza three or four times per century. Ducks are often the original incubators for a new subtype. In turn, pigs can periodically act as hosts for both avian viruses and human ones. Within the pigs’ lungs, the transspecies viruses swap genetic material, creating a new strain that may be passed back to humans. Historically, the most fertile place for this to happen has been south China, where billions of pigs, domesticated ducks, and people all live near one another.”
  37. “In any factory-farm operation, a percentage of the animals are sick or crippled. The industry calls them “downers.” Federal law does not protect them in any way. Downers are dealt with conveniently. Veterinary care is not wasted on them. If unable to walk, a downer is often dragged by a chain or pushed by a tractor or forklift to slaughter. Such animals may be left to starve or freeze to death.”
  38. reduces the risk of coronary disease
  39. reduces the risk of dementia
  40. reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s disease
  41. Reduce the risk of osteoporosis.
  42. Meat makes you age faster.
  43. “At least one in every five U.S. cow herds is believed to be infected with Johne’s disease. The infection is increasingly being linked to Crohn’s disease in people, a condition of chronic diarrhea, which requires victims to have parts of their intestines removed periodically.”
  44. “Antibiotic resistance: To control staph infections and other diseases, livestock consume 55% of all antibiotics used in the U.S. As do humans, livestock build up immunities to these antibiotics, and the meat goes to market infected, presenting a health hazard to the public.”
  45. “Less than one out of every 250,000 slaughtered animals is tested for toxic chemical residues”.
  46. “99% of U.S. mother’s milk contains significant levels of DDT. In stark contrast, only 8% of U.S. vegetarian mother’s milk containing significant levels of DDT. This shows that the primary source of DDT is the meat ingested by the mothers.”
  47. “Contamination of breast milk due to chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticides in animal products found in meat-eating mothers versus vegetarian mothers is 35 times higher.”
  48. Mercury in sea food – toxic to humans
  49. Meatpacking is the most dangerous job in the world.
  50. factory farmed animals are mistreated
  51. cows are skinned alive for leather after being electronically stunned.
  52. animal testing
  53. Animal cruelty
  54. Exotic animals are eating alive in Asian countries.
  55. You look younger
  56. feel better
  57. look better
  58. Veganism can reduce some pain (look into Tabitha Brown’s experience of becoming vegan.
  59. no constipation
  60. You feel stronger
  61. you feel cleaner
  62. reduces tiredness
  63. you automatically become a chef as you learn to cook vegan recipes
  64. better immune system
  65. no guilt
  66. vegetables are cheaper than meat
  67. reduces the risk of food poisoning
  68. fewer trips to the doctor
  69. always get your five a day
  70. You educate yourself about food
  71. discover new foods
  72. “No more mastitis”
  73. Easy weight loss
  74. you become lean
  75. You do your part to combat climate change
  76. being vegan doesn’t just help animals it helps you to
  77. “The amount of water used in production of the average cow is sufficient to float a a large naval ship.”
  78. “50% of all piglets have their teeth crushed and tails cut off without anaesthetics.” ( all quotes above are from (Inourishgently, 2023)
  79. Vegan materials last longer
  80. vegan cosmetics are better quality
  81. Prevent animal slaughter
  82. live a cruelty-free life
  83. You’re a more compassionate person
  84. You become more educated on the dark side of the world and the food industry
  85. you have more respect for your body
  86. you’ll love yourself more
  87. young discover delicious new recipes
  88. You will be healthier than omnivores
  89. You’ll live longer than meat eaters
  90. consume more fibre
  91. effortlessly consume more vitamins
  92. You’ll feel fuller for longer
  93. You’ll feel happier
  94. Your blood will become clearer
  95. Better skin
  96. better hair
  97. New respect for animals
  98. Pythagoras was vegan
  99. helps with world hunger
  100. You’ll be a better human being

Why do vegans want everyone to be vegan Reddit

Why do vegans want everyone to be vegan? Sometimes for religious reasons. For example, Pythagoras believed in reincarnation and that humans could return as animals and vice versa, so he couldn’t eat animals.

People usually want people to be vegan to protect animals, as they don’t need to die to feed us, as humans who can survive on a vegan diet.

5 reasons to go vegan

The five main reasons to go vegan are:

  • to improve health
  • help climate change
  • to stop animal cruelty
  • improve your life
  • help the environment

10 reasons to be vegan

The ten main reasons to be vegan:

  • not support animal cruelty
  • weight loss
  • feel better
  • reduce the risk of cancer
  • help the environment
  • prevent cancer
  • prevent strokes
  • prevent heart attacks
  • help with climate change
  • increase lifespan

why is being vegan good for the environment

vegan weight loss

Why do vegans want everyone to be vegan? It is crucial right now to do everything we can to help the environment as climate change is increasingly getting worse and natural disasters are becoming incredibly common, so more people are suffering and dying.

There is so much waste and burning of fossil fuels when producing meat. This isn’t necessary to grow fruit and vegetables.

Scientific reasons to go vegan

  • Proven to increase weight loss (check out this vegan recipe book on easy recipes for weight loss
  • lowers heart disease and cholesterol
  • reduces the risk of diabetes and obesity

pros and cons of being vegan

Why do vegans want everyone to be vegan? We know the pros, as I have listed above. But what are the cons?

  • Vegan fast food can be expensive
  • being vegan can cause conflict with some meat eaters
  • meat eaters believe that vegans think they are ‘better than them.’
  • You have to check the labels if you are buying products in the packaging


Why do vegans want everyone to be vegan? We know that it is essential for the environment and wildlife for us to be vegan. We know that it can improve our overall health and we become better and more compassionate humans when we are vegan.

For more inspiration and the benefits of being vegan, please check out the book ‘How not to Die‘. This book has taught me much about veganism and how it improves my health. The information is backed up by science and talks about many experiments/studies that were taken place to prove that a vegan diet can help prevent diseases such as cancer.

If you are vegetarian, you must switch to vegan because the difference between vegan and vegetarian is that vegetarians do consume dairy, which is still harming animals necessarily and harming the environment.

I hope my reasons for becoming vegan have convinced you to change and join the vegan side. To understand how veganism will help with climate change, please check out this kindle edition book here.

Also, I mentioned Tabitha Brown above, so here is a link to her book. Hopefully, you will research her story about being vegan.

My posts


If you have enjoyed why do vegans want everyone to be vegan then please check out my other vegan posts:

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