So, why are vegans healthier than omnivores? Many may disagree with this question, arguing that all diets are healthy if you eat whole foods and avoid junk food. However, my research on this topic begs me to differ. Have you noticed that vegans don’t suffer from obesity? Why are environmentalists encouraging us to become vegan? And why are there so many athletes becoming vegan? Below I will dive into the facts to answer these questions and the big question, why are vegans healthier than omnivores?
Why are vegans healthier than omnivores?
The number one selling point for why vegans are healthier than omnivores is weight loss. But there are many other reasons as well, such as:
- Longer lifespan
- reduces the risk of cancer
- reduces the risk of stroke
- reduces the risk of heart disease
- lower cholesterol
So let us explore the benefits listed above and why they are so beneficial.
Vegans, weight loss and longer lifespan
In my opinion, the only disadvantages of being vegan are living in a world of humans that insist on using animal products everywhere in their everyday life and having to check what you are eating isn’t contaminated with animal products. Seeing people struggling to lose weight is a shame when all they have to do is become vegan and feel the weight drop off. Don’t just take my word for it as “A meta analysis showed that adhering to a vegan diet over three months reduced body weight by about 4.1kg (9lb) on average compared with control diets, and cut blood sugar levels.” (Gregory .A, 2022).

If you want to speed up the vegan weight loss process, then I recommend the 1 Month vegan challenge, which you can find out more following this link:
The 1-month vegan challenge is to increase your well-being. From delicious recipes to products that improve your gut health, skin, sleep, weight loss and stress levels – there’s truly something for everyone interested in switching to a plant-based “vegan diet”. Is vegan healthy long-term? You will discover that it is after the one-month challenge. The product cares about your health and the environment, so you will learn the benefits of veganism on the environment and the benefits of being vegan for a month. The challenge includes many vegan recipes such as Blueberry Oatmeal Waffles, Bean Burritos, Vegan Mac N’ Cheese, Sweet N’ Sour Tofu Dishes and Much More…
It will be one of the best health decisions you have ever made.
As explained in the video above, living on a plant-based diet can reverse disease and increase your life span. So when you become vegan, your overall health will improve. It lowers the risk of diseases because of such a high-fibre diet. “When separated from the rest, vegans had a 15% lower risk of dying prematurely from all causes, indicating that a vegan diet may indeed help people live longer than those who adhere to vegetarian or omnivorous eating patterns.” (Healthline).
Michael Greger explains the answer to the question: why are vegans healthier than omnivores?; as seen in the video above, he has an excellent book out called How Not to Die, and it explains many of the health benefits of the vegan diet and how it can prevent diseases.
This is another excellent reason to switch to a vegan diet.
Why are vegans healthier than omnivores? Well, plant food reduces the risk of cancer, strokes, heart disease and cholesterol.
Cancer affects 1 in 2 people in a lifetime, and unfortunately, for some cancers, there isn’t a cure; all the more important reason to go vegan and prevent cancer from ever occurring in your body. You would need to eat large portions of superfoods such as spinach and broccoli “In terms of cancer prevention, the nutrients found in plant-based foods — including vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals and fiber — have been shown to reduce risk of several types of cancer. In fact, eating 6 oz of wholegrain foods each day may decrease your colorectal cancer risk by 21%.” (The Regents of the University of Michigan, 2023) No arguments here about how this point answers: why are vegans healthier than omnivores?
If you stay vegan for most of your life, then it will most definitely reduce the risk of dying from a stroke. Strokes occur when the blood clots in the brain stop the blood supply from reaching certain brain areas. The risk will be effectively reduced if a vegan consumes a large portion of superfoods such as:
- leafy greens like Kale and spinach
- berries like blueberries and strawberries
- green tea
- nuts and seeds
- legumes such as beans and lentils
If you can consume a good portion of these superfoods a day, then you will improve your overall health.
What is cholesterol? Cholesterol is the fatty substance in your blood developed from eating fatty foods like meat and junk food. So this is where vegans are healthier than meat eaters in the vegan vs omnivore debate. Eating whole plant-based food will reduce your cholesterol.
What is heart disease? Heart disease affects the blood flow in the heart and is usually caused by high blood pressure, which can come from a poor diet as well as lack of exercise and many other reasons. Consuming a plant-based diet will lower your blood pressure as whole foods are full of nothing but good nutrients and zero per cent fat.
If the content so far has inspired you to convert to the vegan side, but you have no idea how to start and want to know what whole food plant-based recipes you can create at home, then please check out my other blog post here where I break down my whole food plant based shopping list and how you can create your own to suit you.
What’s wrong with meat?
Why are vegans healthier than omnivores? Why is meat bad for humans? You may disagree that humans should eat meat. However, I would like to explain why meat is bad for you. Well, the human anatomy is built as a herbivore. Don’t take my word for it; “Although many humans choose to eat both plants and meat, earning us the dubious title of “omnivore,” we’re anatomically herbivorous.” (PETA, 2023) So our digestive system doesn’t need meat, and we have been sabotaging ourselves for years by believing we need meat for protein when in fact, we can get so much more protein from our plants. No wonder vegans are healthier than omnivores; they’re eating the foods that our bodies crave.
Why are vegans healthier than omnivores? Disadvantages of meat.
There are many negative reasons not to eat meat, and these negatives are many more answers to the question: why are vegans healthier than omnivores? The reasons are:
- Saturated fat
- damaged our environment and ecosystem
- salmonella
- mercury consumption
Meat causes high blood pressure and clogs your arteries, causing many health issues. Meat can also make you gain weight because of its high fat and sodium content, especially in processed meat such as sausages and bacon. These reasons seem worth avoiding, and they answer the question; why are vegans healthier than omnivores?
Conclusion – Are vegans healthier than omnivores?
We have learnt the answer to the question: Why are vegans healthier than omnivores? Being vegan will increase your lifespan and reduce nasty diseases such as:
- heart disease
- strokes
- high cholesterol
- cancer
Being vegan will increase your lifespan, and we have learnt that our anatomy is naturally a herbivore. No wonder we know the answer to the question: Why are vegans healthier than a omnivore? Being vegan doesn’t just benefit us but also the world around us; we have learnt the benefits of veganism on environment and the ecosystem. Now you know if anyone asks: Are vegans healthier than omnivores? you can show them this blog post. I suppose this post also answers the question: are vegans healthier than carnivores?
If this post has inspired you, then please check out the one-month vegan challenge to get you started with being a healthier and happier person. Check out the challenge here.
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