arnold schwarzenegger plant based diet

Arnold schwarzenegger plant based diet is simply the best for anyone looking to begin a plant-based diet.The inspiration for this post is the news that the Netflix show ‘The Game Changers’ are getting a sequel. Arnald was in this documentary and spoke about his opinion on the vegan diet and that he is currently on a plant based diet.

I would like to explore the following for Arnold Schwarzenegger plant based diet:

  • What does Arnold Schwarzenegger eat on a plant-based diet?
  • Does Arnold Schwarzenegger eat plant based?
  • Is Arnold Schwarzenegger on a vegan diet?
  • How long was Arnold Schwarzenegger vegan?

Arnald Schwarzenegger Plant based diet

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Plantaardig Dieet |The Game Changers | Netflix – YouTube
Arnold schwarzenegger plant based diet

In ‘The Game Changers’ documentary Arnold Schwarzenegger talks about how he had a meat-heavy diet in his body-building days but realised that was the wrong way to go about it. He was taught that strong and tough men should eat meat to be the strongest. He knows now that this is not the case and has taken on a mostly vegan diet as he learnt that the plant-based diet gives you more strength. He still, however, eats eggs for protein.

What does Arnold Schwarzenegger eat on a plant-based diet?

He claims his diet is about 80% vegan but still has eggs, chicken and salmon as a protein source. For plant-based protein, he has legumes, lentils and veggie burgers. I have written a rough arnold schwarzenegger diet plan pdf which you can download here. Feel free to adjust the recipes to suit your goals.

Is arnold schwarzenegger vegetarian?

He isn’t quite vegetarian he claims to be mostly vegan but just occasionally has eggs, salmon and chicken. It sounds to me he is more of a flexitarian. You can check out some arnold schwarzenegger recipes in the pdf plan that I have linked above. |

Arnold Schwarzenegger plant based diet Conclusion

To conclude. Arnal schwarzenegger plant based diet is simply the best for anyone just starting out in the vegan world as we have leant that he isn’t 100% vegan but avoids meat most of the time. This can be a great way for you to ease your way into a vegan diet.

I have definitely learnt more about Arnold today from in depth research instead of just seeing the most common searches like “is arnold schwarzenegger married now” for example, It was interesting to learn about his changed views on the body building diet even just reading articles such as “arnold schwarzenegger diet 2022”. I hope you have learnt something new from this post about Arnold Schwarzenegger plant based diet as well and that it has inspired you to try a vegan diet or even eat like Arnold.

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