foods to eat before singing

What are the best foods to eat before singing? As an experienced singer myself. I know what works for my voice and what doesn’t, so I would like to share with you my tips and experience on what I eat before singing and what foods I avoid.

Also, what liquids should you drink before and during your performance? Let’s learn about the singer’s diet for a healthy voice. Believe it or what you put into your body does affect your voice so it is essential to watch what you eat.

Here are my tips on what to avoid before singing.

What are the best foods to eat before singing?

You should aim to eat foods like rice, potato or high-protein tofu before you sing. Hot tea can be good for your throat as well but don’t have sugar in the tea. I tend to avoid drinking tea before singing cause I feel like it dries my throat out.

Some singers prefer to drink something cold like ice water and some people like hot water before singing; you’ll have to experiment and see what works best for you; I would definitely do this in preparation for a show, especially if you want to know what to eat before singing a solo, the best way is trial and error.

Foods to avoid before singing

From my experience, there is a far more extensive list of foods to avoid for singing than there is of foods that you should eat before singing. I avoid any nuts like peanuts and almonds. This is because it always leaves crumbs in my mouth that end up in the back of my throat and makes me cough. You should avoid all dairy products if you aren’t vegan, but as I am, this isn’t an issue for me.

Avoid caffeine, as caffeine will dehydrate you and dry out your throat. You should avoid all circus fruits as this will also dry out your throat, don’t eat bananas as it will leave behind a thick layer on your throat, and you’ll feel the need to want to clear your throat all the time which won’t look good professionally.

Avoid anything spicy, as this can repeat on you and cause you to cough mid-performance.

what to eat before singing high notes

The best foods to eat before singing high notes can be anything like cucumber or lettuce because they are really hydrating, as long as there is no citrus or salty dressing on the salad or tomatoes as they can leave a tickle residue on the throat.

Ideas for snacks to eat before singing would need some watermelon as it is very hydrating and carrots won’t leave anything on your throat as well as long as you don’t eat it grated.

what to eat for breakfast before singing

what to eat for breakfast before singing

You can eat Avocado for breakfast. Some websites I searched on say that you can eat toast as well, but the throat of the crumbs being stuck in my throat makes me want to avoid that.

I would avoid any sugary cereal and, of course, avoid coffee. I wouldn’t consume any energy drinks because they contain high levels of caffeine and sugar.

What drinks are best to have before singing?

5 best drinks for singers

From the video above, anything that has low acid and sugar and is incredibly hydrating should be an ideal drink before singing.

What helps clear your throat before singing?

Drinking plenty of room-temperature water before you sing will help clear your throat. For ultimate hydration on your vocal cords, I like to steam my throat. Boil the kettle and pour the boiling water into a bowl. Place the bowl down on the ground or on a surface. Using a towel, place the towel over your head over the bowl to control the steam to your face.

Inhale the steam; the steam will hydrate your lungs, throat and vocal cords. This is why people sound good when they sing in the shower; the steam has hydrated their throat and vocal cords so they can perform at their best.


Now we know what are the best foods to eat before singing. I hope you will apply this to your singing routine, and I hope you can see the difference when you are singing. If you want further tips on how to look after your voice, then I highly recommend 40 Singing Tips To Help You Discover Your True Voice: Includes Weekly Lesson Plan Template to help you plan your singing practice at home.

I hope you have enjoyed this blog and please check out my other posts.

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