Why is plant based diet better than meat? Are you here to learn about the facts as to why being vegan is so much better than being a meat eater? In this post, we will dive deep into plant-based diet vs meat studies.
Being vegan isn’t a fashion trend. There are huge benefits to your health and well-being just by turning plant-based. In this post, I could give you 10 reasons not to eat meat.
Why is plant based better than meat? Weight loss.

A great reason why is plant based better than meat? It is weight loss. I recommend starting with a smoothie diet like The Smoothie Detox Challenge: It is a great way to know what to eat when not eating meat. If you’ve struggled to get rid of that trapped fat, then a smoothie detox will help solve that for you.
If you’ve struggled to lose weight and keep it off, then you may have toxins in your body that are trapped in your fat cells.
These trapped toxins not only cause unsightly “trapped fat pockets” around your body, but they also cause inflammation and interfere with the functioning of important hormones that regulate hunger, blood sugar, and metabolism.
If you don’t take any action to help cleanse your body of these toxins, it can be extremely difficult and slow to lose weight and get healthy, despite diet and exercise.
To lose weight safely and permanently, you must reduce your toxin load and improve your body’s detoxification capacity at the same time so it can properly process the released toxins.
You can change this by doing The Smoothie Detox challenge. You can visit their page here.
The Smoothie detox challenge will provide you with a smoothie meal plan to keep you on track to reach your personalised goal.
Plant-based diet vs meat environmental impact – Why is plant based diet better than meat?
The world right now needs all the help it can get from us to reduce global warming. Being vegan will help reduce the impact of global warming. This is one strong reason Why is plant based diet better than meat?
“What we eat is one of the biggest contributors to our individual carbon footprint, and going vegan can ease our diet’s burden on the planet. In fact, a study from Oxford University identified going vegan as the “single biggest way” we can reduce our carbon footprint, shrinking it up to 73%” (THL, 2021)
Slaughtering animals causes so much waste and greenhouse gas emissions. While being vegan doesn’t cause waste, and it’s sustainable.
Meat vs vegetables nutrition – why is plant based diet better than meat?
Why is plant based diet better than meat? The most frustrating thing I find when researching veganism is that people really believe we need meat for iron and protein. We do not. As a long-term vegan, I have had people ask me: Where do you get your iron from? Well, many people don’t know there is iron in plants. Spinach is very rich in iron, for example.
“Once you have a sufficient amount of iron in your blood, your body is about five times more effective at blocking the absorption of excess iron from plant foods than from animal foods. This may be why heme iron is associated with cancer and heart disease risk. Similarly, heme iron is associated with higher risk of diabetes, but nonheme iron is not” (Greger .M, 2015)
Why would you want to eat something that contains cancer-causing iron? That answers your question: why is plant based diet better than meat?
You can get your protein from chickpeas, tofu and peanut butter; I could go on. I guarantee you will also feel fuller for longer after eating a decent and nutritious plant-based meal. Meat vs vegetables energy consumption: meat will make you feel bloated, sluggish and tired but when you consume plant-based foods, your energy is sustainable and you can workout for much longer as your stamina increases.
Vegetarians are healthier than meat eaters fact or opinion?
If veganism isn’t right for you, you can start with vegetarianism. Vegetarians eat dairy products but no meat but they are still healthier than meat eaters. This is because they aren’t consuming all the harmful fats and heme iron that meat consists of.
Vegetarians are less healthier than vegans but are healthier than omnivores. All the more reason: why is plant based diet better than meat? Benefits of plantbased.
Now you know: why is plant based diet better than meat? We learnt that being vegan can make you lose weight and how veganism can help the environment. We now understand how meat harms our bodies, and as a vegan, you don’t miss out on your iron and protein. There are so many benefits of not eating meat.
We have also learnt that you don’t have to go cold tofu and go completely vegan to start with, as we’ve learnt vegetarians are also healthier than meat eaters.
What are the negatives of a plant-based diet? Your body will need to adjust to being vegan so you will feel tired when you first start, but just keep up the large portion of leafy greens and having a handful of nuts a day will help with the tiredness.
Is a plant-based diet the healthiest? Yes, it is. So, you now understand why is plant based diet better than meat? I hope you won’t take a skeptical look at popular diets like the vegan diet and understand why is a plant based diet better than meat?
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- Vegan or meat? Why are vegans healthier than omnivores?
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