Raw vegan transformations

If you are on a quest to transform your overall health and you need to see some amazing raw vegan transformations in order to peak your motivation. Then read on to see the best raw vegan transformations in 2023.

We will learn about the following:

  • What does raw vegan do to your body?
  • Are raw vegans healthier?
  • What happens if you go raw vegan for a week?
  • How long does it take to adjust to a raw vegan diet?

What is a raw vegan transformation?

raw vegan transformation

Raw vegan transformations are when a person goes on a completely raw vegan diet and records the body’s health progress, whether in body weight loss or just an overall increase in health, such as a boost in immunity and energy and just feeling way better than before.

A raw vegan diet is when you only eat uncooked plant-based foods. It doesn’t sound appealing but you’ll be surprised at what delicious recipes you can make.

The raw diet includes:

  • Raw seeds, nuts and legumes
  • raw vegetables
  • cold-pressed oils
  • juices
  • raw nut milk
How to eat a raw vegan diet

What does raw vegan do to your body?

What happens to your body when you transition to a raw vegan diet? You gain more vitamins and minerals as you consume more fruits and vegetables. Your daily fibre intake will skyrocket. You will lose weight to a healthy weight for your height and gender. And these are just some of the few raw vegan diet benefits.

A raw vegan diet will boost your immunity and save time and money on buying medicines and unwanted trips to the doctor.

Are raw vegans healthier?

The short answer is yes, raw vegans are healthier as they get all the natural nutrients from the plants they are eating because their food isn’t fried or cooked, which would normally reduce the nutrients that are naturally in the plant.

Raw vegans can reduce diabetes, as mentioned in the YouTube video above from her experience of being on a raw vegan diet after 16 years.

You should try the 21-Day Vegan Raw Food Diet plan: 75 Satisfying Recipes to Revitalise Your body to feel and see the health benefits for yourself.

What happens if you go raw vegan for a week?

Going raw vegan for a week is a good way of learning new recipes. Going raw vegan for a week will help cleanse your body of unhealthy additives.

I had a lecturer in Uni whose wife went on a raw vegan juicing for a week; she only ate fruit and veg juices at certain times of the day. His reasoning was to lose weight but she discovered some added benefits. Her skin looked amazing! It was so clear and bouncy, like she had a collagen injection in her face. She did also lose weight, so she has decided to stick to the raw vegan diet.

How long does it take to adjust to raw vegan diet?

It can take a couple of weeks for your tastebuds to adjust to the whole food flavours. The Western diet uses high sugar and salt that is added to foods, so when we taste whole-food meals, they will likely taste bland, but over the week or two, your taste buds will adjust and you’ll be able to taste the wonderful flavours of the whole fruit and veg.

It may take a little longer if you are transitioning from an animal-based diet to a fully raw vegan diet. I would start slowly by gradually swapping ingredients to whole plant-based ingredients or have one raw vegan meal for a few days and gradually add two meals, and so on. If you jump straight into it you can feel weak and dizzy.

Raw vegan transformations before and after

If you are looking for inspiration and motivation, I recommend looking at raw vegan transformations progress before and after. This would be a great habit to get into if you are trying to lose weight.

Raw vegan meal plan

To achieve your raw vegan transformations, I would recommend being prepared. Fail to prepare, prepare to fail. So what can you do for a meal plan?

For breakfast, for a sweet breakfast, you can have a smoothie. One of my favourite smoothies is a watermelon smoothie. I will say, though, they’re not very filling. I like watermelon and strawberries and add my Moon Balance supplement from Your Super.com for added nutrients. This is the sweetest smoothie that I have ever had.

For lunch, I would recommend a pesto salad, which is organic olives, Fresh basil, organic tomatoes, walnuts, olive oil, garlic, and organic and uncooked beetroot. You can mix butter beans to add protein and to help fill you up.

For Dinner, Portobello marinated mushroom burgers. Marinate the mushrooms in olive oil and liquid aminos for three hours in your dehydrator or oven at its lowest temperature (it’s still raw. It doesn’t get cooked). Do this until the mushrooms are soft and have darkened.

In the meantime, we can make the cashew cheese. Mix the 1 3/4 cups of cashews, 1/2 cup water, 1/3 cup of nutritional yeast, juice from one lemon, two garlic cloves, two tablespoons of miso, and salt to taste. Blend the cheese in a blender until smooth, and then place the cheese in a bowl lined with a cheesecloth and leave for at least two hours.

Once everything is ready, you can add the cheese to the mushrooms and your desired fillings; you could add tomatoes, lettuce, or marinated tofu.

So that is an example of one day of meal planning. You can find many raw vegan recipes online on Pinterest and YouTube.


I hope you have enjoyed this blog post about raw vegan transformations; we have learnt What does raw vegan do to your body? Are raw vegans healthier? What happens if you go raw vegan for a week? How long does it take to adjust to raw vegan diet? We have learned examples of what we can make for a raw vegan meal and we know that a raw vegan transformation is when you change your diet to an uncooked vegan diet and it can transform your health in a positive manner.

For more inspiration, you can check out raw vegan before and after reddit to see weight loss journeys and to read about other people’s experiences with the diet.

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