The best Protein Powder UK
The Best Protein Powder UK

What is the best organic protein powder UK? Are you worried about not getting all the protein you need in your organic vegan diet? As a vegan, I always choose the most organic option possible for my food choices. I have tried different protein powders. I always go for the most cleanest organic protein powder I can find.

With so many different brands on the market it’s difficult to find a good organic protein powder. High profile brands tend to add secret sweeteners to make their protein powders taste better when these lab chemicals aren’t good for the body long term. The sweeteners are designed to make you addicted to the product so it makes you crave more and end up returning to the brand and buying more. So what is the best organic protein powder UK and where to we get our hands on it?

The best clean protein powder UK

Protein Powder
Protein powder

From my experience, I enjoy Pulsin Pea Protein as it’s completely natural and unflavored, so I can add it to any smoothies, desserts or soups without changing the dish’s flavour. It is also gluten-free, so it suits my diet as I am a gluten-free vegan.

The protein powder is completely invisible once it is mixed into my favourite recipes. It doesn’t change the taste or consistency in any of my meals whether it is sweet or savoury. I do tend to add it to smoothies mainly as it’s the most convenient for me. I always add 10 grams to my smoothies which worked out to be about two teaspoons. I never exactly measure it.

The best vegan protein powder uk for weight loss

best protein powder for weight loss uk
best protein powder for weight loss uk

From my research, I have found BodyMe Organic Vegan Protein Powder Blend, Naked Natural – Unsweetened, Low Carb, 3 Plant Based Vegan Protein Powder with 24g of Complete Protein, Gluten and GMO Free, 1kg. This protein powder was at the top of the list as it is completely clean and gluten free which is great for weight loss.

The organic vegan protein powder is also low carb which makes it perfect for low carb weight loss diets.

The best protein powder for beginners – best organic protein powder uk

The best organic protein powder uk
The best organic protein powder uk

If you’re a beginner I would suggest maybe having a flavoured protein powder. This will make you excited to wake up and make your favourite smoothie with your new protein powder and make it your new fitness habit.

I would suggest Vegan Protein Powders (28 Servings, 1kg) – Natural Vegan Protein Shake High in Iron & Zinc with Fruits, Botanicals & Plant Based Protein Powder, Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Lactose Free (Vanilla) as a great suggestion for the best organic protein powder uk. This protein powder comes in two flavours. Vanilla and chocolate, and it are made with natural fruits, so it’s a nice sweet protein powder for beginners.

It will taste good in smoothies, or mix it with some gluten-free porridge to fill you up in the morning. A good tasting smoothie is a great motivator and it should help you stick to your fitness goals.

The best protein powder for women – best organic protein powder uk

protein powder for women
protein powder for women

The ideal protein powder for women in my opinion is Free Soul Vegan Protein Powder | Formulated for Women | 600g | 20g Protein | Added Nutrients | Gluten & Soy Free Plant Based Nutrition Protein Shake | Pea and Hemp Isolate Protein (Chocolate)

The powder is specifically designed for women so you won’t feel bloated; you can mix it with your favourite plant-based milk or add it to your favourite baking recipes.

Is organic protein powder better for you? – best organic protein powder uk

organic vegan protein powder uk
best organic protein powder uk

In my opinion, yes, it is better for you because it guarantees that there aren’t any extra nasty chemicals added to the ingredients like emulsifiers and sweeteners as these are bad for your gut and can cause bloating, acne and digestive problems over a long period of time.

An example of a good vegan organic protein powder is naturya organic hemp protein powder; you should also check out the whole naturya range of superfoods. I enjoy multiple of naturya’s superfoods, You can check out their different options here.

I add the turmeric superblend into a detox shot that I have every morning. This consists of lemon juice, fresh ginger and naturya turmic powder. I also use their spirulina powder and wheatgrass powder In my vitamin boost smootie which I like to make with kiwi and cucumber also great for your skin and hydrates you. I use their cocoa powder for my protein powder recipe which is great to boost your cooper intake.

Which is the purest form of protein powder? – Best organic protein powder uk

purest protein powder
purest protein powder

The purest form of protein powder where there is no artificial ingredients, and it is pure natural plant protein. Any protein powder that is organic and one hundred per cent plant-based is the purest.

A good example would be Naked Vegan Protein Powder Super Blend (1kg – 57 Servings) Unsweetened, with Vital Minerals, Organic Plant Based Protein with Omega Blend & Botanical Essentials, Dairy Free, Plain & Unflavoured 1kg as I have mentioned above. There aren’t any nasty ingredients. A good way to tell if they don’t contain bad chemicals is if any of the words are too difficult to pronounce, then they are probably chemicals from a lab and they aren’t clean and organic.

Which brand organic powder are best? – best organic protein powder uk

which brand organic powder are best
which brand organic powder are best

I believe that Sevenhills wholefoods organic raw protein powder is entirely raw and has no allergy ingredients, completely gluten-free and vegan. Suitable for everyone. The brand also has a goal of protecting the planet, so their packaging is also recyclable.

The brand is a small business, so it’s super important to check out their website. Always support small businesses and avoid shopping at popular branded companies, as big brands tend to use non-environmental packaging and sweatshops, which isn’t good for humans or the planet. Always support your small businesses and do your research on where your money is going first.

The best protein powder uk reddit – best organic protein powder uk

Looking through Reddit, I have seen whey protein powder mentioned a lot. However, their protein powder isn’t organic, and not all of their powders are vegan, so personally, I wouldn’t recommend this.

I don’t recommend looking for an organic protein powder on Reddit, but I have found this organic and vegan gluten-free protein powder on amazon called Nutrizing. They are an award-winning vegan pea protein powder and the only ingredient in the powder is pure pea protein. Nothing else is added to its very healthy and clean.

Which type of protein powder is the healthiest?-best organic protein powder uk

The healthiest protein powder will be any protein powder that hasn’t got anything added. No emulsifier or added sugars and artificial colours to make the powder taste good.

I recommend getting a protein powder that isn’t flavoured so you can hide it in your favourite smoothie or meals and gain extra grams of protein without ruining your favourite meals.

An excellent example of a healthy protein powder is No Evil Nutrition Organic Vegan Protein Powder. It’s completely clean, and gluten-free, with no gums, and no sweeteners. The protein powder is unflavored so you can add it to anything. The ingredients are only organic pea protein, organic rice protein, organic maca powder, and organic Siberian ginseng powder. All-natural protein and completely healthy.

Best tasting protein powder UK

I don’t choose to go for flavoured protein powders as they tend to have added sugars.

The healthiest flavoured protein powder that only uses natural sweeteners like stevia is Vegan Protein Powders (28 Servings, 1kg) – Natural Vegan Protein Shake High in Iron & Zinc with Fruits, Botanicals & Plant Based Protein Powder, Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Lactose Free (Chocolate) by the brand Wyldsson

I haven’t personally tried it but I think I might try it in the future and do a view of the product on my Tik Tok or Instagram which you can check out below:

Best protein – best organic protein powder uk

If you are on the fitness hype right now and are looking for clean organic vegan ways of getting a decent amount of protein into your diet to reach your fitness goals. I would definitely stick to a clean organic protein powder in your smoothie first thing. But it is so important not to just rely on the protein powder.

Make sure you make meals that involve foods that are high in protein, such as:

  • Organic tofu
  • organic chickpeas
  • Organic pulses (kidney beans, lentils)
  • Chia seeds
  • peanut butter
  • gluten-free organic oats

You can mix protein powder with some oats and peanut butter and banana to make a delicious sweet and high protein breakfast. Don’t be afraid of peanut butter as yes it is fatty but it’s healthy fat just like coconut oil.

You can learn all about how to create high protein vegan meals in the Meal prep and meatless power cookbook for vegan athletes: 200 High Protein Recipes to be Muscular and Plant-Based Diet Meal Plans for Beginners (2 in 1 Collection with pictures) A great way to start a high protein vegan diet.

Another great book suggestion is The High Protein Vegan Cookbook: But Where Do You Get Your Protein?

The book is suitable for anyone and not just for sporty individuals looking to bulk. It helps you find vegan foods to include in meals to ensure you get your daily healthy amount of protein.

Conclusion – best organic protein powder uk

To conclude. The healthiest and the best organic protein powder UK has got to be either Pulsin or Wyssdon, as they are clean, vegan, organic and gluten-free. It is best to avoid flavoured protein powders as they tend to add artificial sweeteners, which aren’t good for you and aren’t great for weight loss.

It’s best to add an unflavored protein powder to your favourite smoothie or meal in the morning. I like to make a banana and peanut butter vegan milkshake in the morning, and I just add my Pulsin pea protein to it; you can’t taste it, and it doesn’t change the milkshake in any way.

I also sometimes make protein powder brownies which just consist of, three bananas, Pulsin protein powder, Organic cocoa powder, peanut butter, flaxseed, coconut yoghurt and maple syrup.

This is a great, quick protein snack. However, it is important that you don’t just rely on protein powders to get your daily protein. As I have mentioned above, always make high-protein meals that contain high-protein ingredients like tofu and chickpeas.

Also, avoid high profile brands such as whey protein as they don’t use organic ingredients and most of your money will be paying for the brand name rather than the quality and health benefits of the actual powder. Try and spend your money on small businesses instead as they tend to use more natural and healthy ingredients which is cleaner and safer for you and the environment.

Organic is better for you so always check the ingredients before you buy the protein powder even if it does say organic. Avoid emulsifiers, gums and artificial sweeteners. Chemicals are usually the really complicated word in the ingredients that you can’t pronounce that is the unhealthy and non-organic ingredient that you want to avoid.

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I hope you have enjoyed the best organic protein powder UK. Any questions regarding the content above then please visit my contacts page.

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