vegan vs vegetarian vs flexitarian

Vegan vs vegetarian vs flexitarian, what is the difference? I’ll be writing from a vegan diet experience, the information about vegetarian and flexitarian will be from my research, and I will be learning along with you.

We will also be looking at the following:

  • What is flexitarian vs pescatarian?
  • What are the 4 main types of vegetarian?
  • What does a flexitarian eat?
  • What is vegetarian vs vegan vs pescetarian?

I want to discover the pros and cons of each diet and what the facts of research and experience decide which is the healthiest diet.

Vegan vs vegetarian vs flexitarian

The majority of the human race are omnivores, but there is an increase in vegan and vegetarianism. The less common one is Flexitarian. What is a Flexitarian? A Flexitarian has a vegetarian diet the majority of the time. However, they do occasionally have meat.

So what is the healthiest out of the three? Of course, my biased response would be that vegans are the healthiest. After reading many books, watching many documentaries and researching veganism, I have more than enough information to say that being vegan is the most nutritious diet for human beings. Here are my reasons:

  • Humans have vegan anatomy. If you google.’ are humans meant to be vegan,’ it says, “We’re anatomically herbivorous
  • We have got the stomach acid to digest raw meat – If we were like any other animal that eats meat, our bodies would allow us to eat raw meat, but we have to cook our meat until it is cooked through, which no other omnivore in the animal kingdom has to do.
  • We can’t drink milk without it being cleaned. The milk we drink needs to be washed for it to be safe for us to drink. If we were meant to drink milk, don’t you think it would’ve been safe to eat it straight from the udder?
  • We’re evolved from herbivores. We came from Gorillaz, which Charles Darwin proved with evolution.
  • We have no anatomy designed for hunting, unlike omnivore animals like pigs with tusks to kill their prey or bears with sharp claws. Humans don’t have any lethal weapons to kill animals with.
  • Diseases. Ebola and Covid19 both derived from humans consuming animals. Ebola came from overfishing in Asian waters resulting in nearby islands running out of fish for themselves and resulting in them eating tropical animals from their area that aren’t meant to be eaten. The same goes for Covid-19; eating animals alive is a delicacy in China, so someone ate a bat that transferred covid-19 to that individual. You would think that nature is trying to tell us not to eat animals.
A Plant-Based Diet Changed My Life

What is flexitarian vs a pescatarian?

What does a flexitarian eat? Flexitarians will occasionally eat any meat. A pescatarian will only eat fish, dairy, fruit, veg, seeds, and nuts. They are both very similar in the way that they diet.

If you are on a pescatarian diet, you increase the danger of developing Mercury poisoning. Whereas a flexitarian diet still has the same risks as an omnivore, increasing the risk of diabetes, heart disease and cancer because they still consume dairy and meat.

In my eyes both will have the same health pros and cons.

What are the 4 main types of vegetarian?

The four main types of vegetarian diets are:

  • Flexitarian
  • Pescatarian
  • Lacto-ovo vegetarian
  • veganism

Flexitarian vs mediterranean diet

The meditarranean diet is considered a healthy diet as it consists of whole food such as grain, fruits and nuts, but fish and pultery is still consumed.

In some cases the mediterranean diet is heathier because of the whole foods but still doesn’t beat the vegan diet.

flexitarian diet food list:

  • Vegetables
  • Fruits
  • eggs
  • dairy products
  • legumes
  • Meat and poultry
  • fish


Now we know about the difference between vegan vs vegetarian vs flexitarian. If you are interested in a vegan diet after learning more about the diet from this post then please check out Your Super Life: 100+ Delicious, Plant-Based Recipes Made with Nature’s Most PowerfulSuperfoods. Same goes for the flexitarian diet, if you like the idea of it then please check out Flexitarian Diet Air Fryer Cookbook. Feel free to carry on the search for the best diet, you could look into flexitarian vs vegetarian or vegan, vegetarian, pescatarian, flexitarian which I didn’t cover in this post.

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