How do you get 30g protein vegan meals? One of the most common questions I get asked as a vegan is, ‘Where do you get your protein from?’ the simple answer is…plants. You don’t need to buy supplements and vitamins to get your daily protein intake. You can get protein from tofu, legumes, peas, nuts and seeds.
If you want to create a vegan meal plan with high-protein meals or are just curious about how to make 30g protein vegan meals, then you will find the inspiration you are looking for in this post.
Here are the questions I will be answering:
- How to get 30g of protein vegan meal?
- How to get 25 grams of vegan protein?
- How to get 40 grams of vegan protein?
- How to get 20g of protein per meal vegan?
- How to get 50g of protein in a vegan diet?
How to make 30g protein vegan meals?

To make a 30g protein meal, you need a high-protein plant. Tofu is great to add to your meal; a serving of tofu added to your stirfry can add as much as 30g. I like to purchase organic soft tofu, scramble it with some turmeric, and have it on toast with vegan cheese, tomatoes and mushrooms; that is a tasty way to get natural protein in your diet and an excellent high protein vegan breakfast
About three cups of quinoa are just over 30g of protein; that’s a lot of quinoa in one go, so I would suggest spreading that out. Or you could do a large quinoa salad. You could also have quinoa and lentils in a soup. You could achieve 30g of protein from just split pea soup alone, one hundred grams of split peas is twenty-five grams of protein; if you have split pea soup with an added cup of quinoa, you will have a meal with over 30g of protein.
How to get 25 grams of vegan protein?

As mentioned above, 100g of split pea soup is 25g of protein. You can also make a tortilla wrap with avocado, salsa, and black beans, which contains 16g of protein in one cup and some sliced firm tofu, 100g of tofu is 8g of protein, so add under 200g of tofu to make the 25g of protein.
A 25g vegan protein meal I enjoy is homemade oven-baked chips with salad in a peanut butter sauce dressing. I know what you’re thinking; peanut butter is fatty; this is correct, but it is a healthy fat like coconut oil. As for the chips, I slice up a potato into thin chip-shaped strips and lightly coat them in coconut oils mixed with paprika and salt. Bake the potato in the oven for about 35 minutes at 200 degrees Celsius. Chop up the salad of your choice, and then mix up the peanut sauce. Mix up 100g of peanut butter (whole organic peanut butter) and a bit of soy sauce, and adjust the soy sauce to taste; I use about a teaspoon as I find soy sauce too salty. Then mix water with the peanut butter and soy sauce mixture for a less thick consistency.
Once the chips are done and the salad is plated, pour the peanut dressing on the salad and chips. I sometimes add a little syrup to the peanut sauce as I enjoy the salty and sweet combination, and it works for this sauce.
High protein vegan meals for weight loss – 30g protein vegan meals

As mentioned in the video above, the best way to ensure you stick to your weight loss goals is to reduce the temptation to go off track and order out instead of making a delicious and healthy high-protein meal. The best way to prep high protein meals so when you have finished your training, there is a delicious healthy vegan meal with high protein waiting for you back home.
The meals in the video are low in calories which will also benefit your weight loss journey. meal prep also saves you time and money as you don’t need to think about what you need to have for food that day as it’s already in the fridge ready for you and you don’t need to buy the ingredients on the day that you need it.
How to get 40 grams of vegan protein?

1 cup of tofu is 40g of protein. You can marinate firm tofu in a sauce of your choice. I would let the tofu marinate for hours or at least overnight to really get the flavour in the tofu. Then you should bake or fry your tofu and add it to your meal of choice. It’s great in a wrap or a salad, anything you want.
For a high-protein breakfast, you can have 100g of peanut butter, which is 25g, one cup of oats, which is 26g, and 10g of protein powder. You can melt the peanut butter into the oats with the protein powder to make a 40g protein breakfast. You can top the porridge with some berries or a banana of your choice.
How to get 20g of protein per meal vegan?

You can start your day with a protein shake of your choice. My favourite at the minute is to use frozen banana, organic cocoa powder, 20g of protein powder and a bit of syrup to adjust the sweetness and some organic soya milk. This tastes like chocolate ice cream to me.
A tremendous vegan 20g protein snack is to make cookie dough balls. All you need is 90g of oats, 30g of peanut butter, 50 ml of coconut milk, and syrup of your choice (I use agave syrup). You can also add vegan chocolate chips to the mixture if you find any vegan ones.
First, blend the oats to make flour, then add all the ingredients to the bowl and mix. Make little dough balls, and that’s it! Nice and easy healthy snack.
For a high-protein dinner, you can make a chickpea curry. There are many different chickpea curry recipes that you can find online or on Pinterest. Use about 100g of chickpeas to ensure you have your 20g of protein.
How to get 50g of protein in a vegan diet?

If you are looking for a 50g vegan protein meal, I would suggest making something with seeds and nuts. Sunflower seeds have 21g of protein in every 100g. Pumpkin seeds have 19g of protein in every 100g, and 100g of flaxseed has 18g of protein. All of those ingredients come to 58g of protein.
From these ingredients, you can make your own 50g protein crackers. Soak the pumpkin and sunflower seeds overnight, and rinse and dry them in the morning. Blend the seeds with a little water until a smooth porridge-like paste. Add some salt and herbs of your choice for taste. Spread the mixture onto a baking tray and bake for about 20-35mins at 180 degrees Celsius. There you have it, some delicious high-protein crackers.
High protein vegan foods – 30g protein vegan meals

Vegan foods that contain high protein are:
- Chickpeas
- Legumes e.g lentils, beans, butter beans, kidney beans
- seeds
- nuts
- quinoa
- tofu
- peas
- Oats
Include these foods in your vegan meals to ensure you are having a good amount of protein in your diet.
Easy high protein vegan meals – 30g protein vegan meals

You can make easy high-protein meals using the Russell Hobbs air fryer, currently 33% off on Amazon. Air fryers are quick and easy to use, perfect for making high-protein vegan meals. Air fryers also use less energy, so they should positively impact your energy bills and help you save money.
In the air fryer, you can bake a quick jacket potato and load the potato with some chickpeas in the peanut butter sauce I have mentioned above. This is quick because potatoes bake faster in an air fryer than in an oven.
You can also make a stir fry which I like to do for a quick meal. I make my own sweet and sour sauce from pineapple juice, syrup, tomato sauce, apple cider vinegar and soy sauce. Just fry the vegetables you want, and include high protein vegs like chickpeas, peas and legumes such as butter beans or black beans.
The video below for further inspiration.
Cheap high protein vegan meals – 30g protein vegan meals

As long as you stick to whole foods and vegetables, then you should be able to make affordable meals. Let’s use a tofu scramble as an example; Tofu, on average, is about £2.30, and turmeric is about 90p in the spice aisle; you can also grow your herbs in your kitchen, which will save you money. You can buy a garlic bulb for about 50p or garlic granules. Add whatever spices you want. Depending on where you buy, you can also add some onions ranging from 79p to £1.15. Also, add soya milk to the tofu, which is £1.25.
So on a tofu scramble, we have only spent about £5.74; as long as you keep it simple, the cost of each meal shouldn’t have to break the bank.
You can also chop up vegetables, place them on tupper ware and freeze it to make them last longer.
I would check out Vegan One Pound Meals: Delicious budget-friendly plant-based recipes all for £1 per person. There are more ideas for making great low-budget vegan meals for you.
There are also fantastic deals on Amazon right now, such as Homeware items. There is currently 70% a stainless steel pan set of 5 which is amazing right now if you are in need of a new set.

So to conclude, we now know how to make at least 30g protein vegan meals for our daily diet. I hope this post has inspired you to create 30g protein vegan meals and more. Please don’t hesitate to contact me on my Contacts page. Check out my posts below as well or visit my Posts page. If you would like to learn more about me, then please visit my About page. Check out Mongolian Seitan for more vegan protein inspiration.

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