Why do musicians die young?

Why do musicians die young? Unfortunately, musicians tend to die young. We’ve all heard of the 27 Club, where famous musicians seemed to be coincidently dying once they reached 27. But why is that? Could it be due to drugs? The intense, jam-packed schedule that they have to stick to maintain their fame?

Why do musicians have long hair? And why do musicians make weird faces? We know that artists love to express themself, and rock ‘n roll artists tend to have long hair as part of the rock ‘n roll image. It looks good when they head bang, and also they pull weird faces when they are playing a part (usually on the guitar) that sounds so good, and it’s their way of enjoying the music they are creating and putting all their passion into it.

However, behind the long hair and passion, there is a dark side to the music industry…

Why do musicians die young? -why do musicians die at 27? The 27 club

The 27 Club: Mental Illness and Art

The video above shows us that being in the spotlight affects your mental and physical health. Many young musicians do struggle with this, which tragically resolves to them developing addiction and depression that leads to them ending their lives early.

As mentioned in the video above, Kurt Cobain committed suicide because he couldn’t handle the pressure of fame. Jimi Hendrix died from a drug overdose at 27 as he also struggled with the pressure of being “the new king of guitar”.

Why do so many musicians kill themselves?

I believe these deaths could have been avoided if more help had been available for young musicians in stardom. Too much pressure too fast leads to developing mental health illnesses that kill. Unfortunately, there is still not enough help for the young musicians in the spotlight, and there is also the lingering stigma of being unable to talk about your mental health. It may be seen as a weakness for a famous musician to openly talk about seeking help like therapy to help with their mental health illness.

Why musicians are depressed?

Tour life for musicians is incredibly lonely. There is a tight schedule they have to stick to, and after each performance, they are rushed out of the building, into a car, and straight back to the hotel. In the hotel, they are usually all by themselves in the hotel room, and loneliness can cause depression. They are experiencing a unique experience that very few of us get. However, it is lonely if you are experiencing this all by yourself.

If the artist is very well-known, it becomes difficult to do anything with anyone without getting harassed by fans and being unable to develop steady romantic relationships that fit into the chaotic lifestyle. Why do musicians use drugs? It can feel isolating, and artists use drugs to eliminate it.

There is also the pressure of maintaining and reaching fans’ expectations and the fear of letting them down. Fans can adore you for one minute, but if you do one thing that they don’t like, then they will turn against you. They are also negative press pressure. Journalists will always twist the truth about an artist to sell stories; unfortunately, people enjoy seeing negative stories about famous people to feel better about themselves.

Why do musicians wear headphones?

As a musician, you are often exposed to loud noise. This is where musicians develop Tinnitus. This can be a painful experience, and it can be avoided by wearing earplugs in an environment with loud music. I do recommend Cortexi. Cortexi will help with Tinnitus relief and hearing loss; Tinnitus causes. Cortexi is a Tinnitus relief supplement that guarantees 100% satisfaction. Please try it if you are suffering from tinnitus; click on the links above to visit their website.


Why do musicians die young? We have learnt that being in the spotlight isn’t easy as many people desire fame and fortune; you must handle the pressure, tight schedule, and loneliness. Hopefully, we can change the stigma and avoid more 27 club members. I hope this post has answered the question, why do musicians die young? Please check out my other music posts below.

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